Thank You for your Condolence messages.

Dear Benny
I just want to extend to you my sincere condolences on Alaric's passing. May his soul 
Rest In Peace.
I remember meeting him when you, Betty and I travelled down together to Goa (you both for the first time, I think) and we were met by Alaric who took us to his flat. After chilling out I left to stay with my relatives in Panjim while you and Betty stayed on at Alaric's.
Being Goa, I imagine that the funeral has already taken place. I will however remember him in one of my Masses today.
Best regards to you and Betty
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Dear  Benny and Betty,
We are on holidays in Seychelles and I do not carry a computer nor check mails.
Happen to brows through a friends pad and am shocked to read that  the last of the Pantu brothers our dear friend  Alaraic is no more with us..
Am saddened to hear about his sudden and untimely demise. In fact was in ZNZ in Jan and asked folks at his house as well as Madeira of Alaric's whereabouts and health as it use to worry me, last I remember he had to fly back to Goa as it was too hot and humid in ZNZ.
I used to admire brother Alaric since I was a kid, seeing playing hockey , sometimes with you at the bakery as I used to visit my cousin there. , going to movies with sisters, Pantu's the family with a class. I used to think you were brothers as you were always there Benny.
We pray to the Almighty to Bless brother Alarics Soul in Eternal Peace and give courage and strength to his great family to bear this tragic loss  -  Amen Muslims say - From God we come and to God we shall go.
Kind regards from Sunny Seychelles
Gunila  and Mohamed

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  

Dear Benny,

It was indeed sad to hear the death of Aleric.We had a chat for a long time when we met Aleric  in Goa, in 2008.He  remembered my mother and Uncle Said Kharusi well and he mentioned the good times he spent  with my parents in Zanzibar.I was too young for him to remember me in Zanzibar but he recalled our meeting in the UK.He gave me his business card and offered that I stay with him in Goa and Zanzibar.Later that year an Omani friend met him in Zanzibar and he he mentioned to me to have met Aleric and they talked about the good times they had in Zanzibar .

I am sad to inform you that my Uncle, Said Kharusi who you know well ,has developed Alzeimer two years ago and his health is deteriorating.His children have decided to keep him at home with a full time help He receives all the medical that is available for the illness here in Oman..Unfortunately he does not recognise us any more and we only try our best to make his life comfortable as much as possible.

May Allah grant you and your family strength at these difficult times.

Best Regards,

Abdullah Rawahi 

At 12:04 PM 2/11/2013, you wrote:
Dear Yvette
Dear Ben

May I send mine and Marie's sympathetic condolences on the sad, sad passing away of Alaric.

He will be in our prayers, and may His Soul Rest In Peace.

Nevertheless, we hope you all and your families are keeping well in the circumstances.

Best Wishes
Johnny and Marie

Thank You Johnny and Marie for your kind words and prayers for 
Alaric. May he rest in peace.
Hope all is well with you and your families. Please stay in touch.

Hi Ben and Betty
Thank you for sharing details of Alaric's death.
I was really saddened by his news as I thought he was on the road to recovery. As we all know Alaric came from a very privileged background. He lived in a luxurious home - the best Goan home on the island. He was the baby of the family and the apple of his parents' eye.

It is nice to know he had the charactereristic of kindness and warmth at a very early age.
In 2008 at the Reunion he and few others came and had dinner at the hotel I was staying and very kindly invited me to his apartment. I was leaving on a trip to the Golden Triangle and unable to visit him.
His death is very tragic. He will always be remembered as a good neighbour and a warm hearted person.
Kind regards


So sad to read this about Alaric. Was he just visiting Goa or had he left ZNZ to live in Goa? I appears he was diabetic? That's a really insidious disease - eventually it affects all the organs.
  If I recall, he had been married ... but did he have any children.  It's too bad there wasn't someone taking care of him and keeping an eye on his illness. He was fortunate Astrid was down in Goa, and able to be with him before he passed.
Strange how the other student who passed away recently - Connie Miranda, Marino's wife - also died from complication from diabetes - she had gone blind from the diabetes, had one leg amputated, and there was a possibility that the other one had to be also. She died before that could happen.
Like Connie, Alaric is in a better place now, at peace, and pain free. May his soul rest in peace.
You all are now the oldest generation; we became that when my mom passed away 10 years ago. It's very hard to accept the passing of a family member but we have to brace ourselves for more of these events. We have to remember the good times we had with them and make good memories with those that are still around.
Heartfelt condolences to you all.

Hello Ben,

Thank you ever so much for all the e-mails and for keeping me informed about Alaric. It was very sad that he suffered so much in the end.

May God bless him in his new home in Heaven.


Dear Ben,

I remember Uncle Alaric as being good and kind to me as a child. Most of all, I remember he took me on his bicycle and I sat on the front bar. I was very little then and I had a beautiful photograph of the two of us, which, unfortunately, has been lost. Hopefully, I will find it again someday!

In the photograph I sent you ,the only person missing is dad, who probably took the photo. You are carrying me Ben!!! Uncle Alaric is with us. Good fun in good old days!

Lots of love,

Posting from John De Silva Below

What a tribute.....when I first heard about Alaric's passing away I was in shock. Tony Madeira in Z'bar skyped me hours after he passed away. I met Al in Goa after many years and we were reminiscing about the good old Z'bar days when I was just a  kid and getting rides on his scooter and telling me he had a crush on my sister Ida
We had some good times during the SSCS Reunion in Goa and his b-day party at his colourful apartment..
Last year we met in Z'bar during the Machui St. Anthony's feast and we were together most of the time and
helping him with his house. We promised to meet again this June, I am not going to go this year.
I will continue to keep Al and his family in my thoughts and prayers.

Dear Benny & Betty
Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing away of your uncle Alaric.  May his soul rest in peace.
Rhoda & Noshir Bharucha

To : Benny & Betty & Whole Family,
Please accept my heart felt condolences on the death of your uncle Alaric and may his soul rest in peace with our Lord.
Wonderful memories and praises, as the tribute given by GP,  of/for your Grandad.
Keep well.
Regards & Adios
(By the Seaside).

Dear Benito,
I have heard lots about yourself from others besides Dolly and Almira when I was living in their neighbourhood inZanzibar.
Anyhow, for this moment of time I wish to send our heartfelt sympathies to self and all the family members for the sudden loss of Alaric.
I live in Margao, Goa for this time and have known Alaric a little in Zanzibar and Goa.
Yours in grief,
Peter Almeida ex Zanzibar Market Bakery; Prop. Late Jose Almeida close to the meat market.

Hi Benny
Sorry to hear that Alaric passed away.
He was a delightful character full of enthusiasm for his music and electronic gadgets.
We are so pleased to have encountered his company whilst in Goa
May his soul rest in peace
Kind regards
Anita Allan

Dear Benito and Jerome
I’m not sure if you got the news yet but anyway this is to inform you’ll that Alaric expired yesterday around 9 pm and the body has been taken to Bambolim Hospital. My heartfelt sympathies to you from Clara and me
Take care

On a different note I am sad to hear of your loss and my and thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Graham Freeman (NHW Surrey Police special family friend)

Hi Jerome, so sorry to hear the news about Alaric and it is his Birthday today. May God grant him eternal rest. He has joined his family in heaven. may he rest in peace.
Lots of love

Dear Ben
This morning I awoke early to go and visit Alaric, when I got there at 10.15am the nurse informed me that he passed away last evening.
I returned home and called his cousin Victor I introduced myself and told him I had visited Alaric in hospital twice.
He informed that Alaric had gangrene and doctors wanted to amputate his leg, His 3 fingers also had wounds.  I had noticed that he had bandages, but as Alaric had not said much, I didn’t want to probe.
They were unable to give him blood due to his gangrene. 
He added that he had a similar problem 3 yrs ago. Victor told me that today is his 79th birthday.
They may have the funeral this evening or tomorrow at Calangute.
I asked him to keep me informed as I desired to attend the funeral.
In fact yesterday morning I called and the maid his carer answered Alaric’s phone and informed me that he was very ill.  I was unable to rush to the hospital as the boys were departing in the evening and we were out and about.
 I am glad the cousin is preparing the funeral and doing all the needful.
I feel fulfilled that I spared time to visit him and pray with him too, and that he said I was always well come to visit him.  May he rest in peace.
With sympathy

Dear Benito and Betty
Received the sad news of Alaric's death. Please accept my deepest sympathy and that of all the Rebeyro family.
I will celebrate mass for him this morning May his soul rest in peace.
With kind regards
Father Lloyd
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Dear Benito & Betty,
We are very sad to hear of the demise of Alaric. We send our condolences to you and your family. May Alaric's soul rest in peace?
Warm regards,
Diana & John

Hi Ben, I just spoke with Victor in Goa and he assures me that he is taking care of all the funeral arrangements. He also said that Alaric was ok and spoke until the end, when he passed away peacefully. May he RIP
Jerome Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Dear Ben and Betty,
 Kindly accept our condolences, on the demise of your Uncle  Alaric a few hours before his 76th birthday.
May his soul rest in peace.
Felix/ Anita

Dear Benny and Betty
We are very sorry to hear about Alaric - our condolences; we have you in our thoughts
and prayers.
Your line has been busy to-day, will try later.
Wanted to know more about him.
Love - Genny and Joe

Hi Victor, thanks once again for the great help you have been giving our uncle Alaric, I'm sure God will reward you ten-fold.
I would like you to do me a big favour if you can, and have the time.
Please can you put a large bunch of flowers and a wreath on Alaric’s grave together with a card inscribed:
To our dearest uncle Alaric, may the Good Lord keep you safe and happy in His home. We love and miss you.
From Yvette, Benito, Annabella, Jerome, Rhoda and the rest of our families.
Jerome Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Dear Benito and Family:

We were saddened to learn of Alaric's passing away. Please convey our condolences to members of your family.  We knew Alaric well although he was a few years younger, and we also knew his wife who we met during our exile years in Pemba.  When one of us from Zanzibar departs it is as if our treasured memories of a wondrous past have left with him. We will say a prayer for Alaric and for all of us.
Dora and Maurice Pereira

Our condolences. We will keep Alaric in our prayers.
My mom is in Cancun and will be returning on Friday. I will give her the sad news then.
Mervyn and family

Dear Yvette/Mike, Benito/Betty,
Jerome/ Clarisse, Rhoda and loved ones,
My deepest condolences to you all and to Alaric's wife Viola and family.
May Mother Mary and our Lord comfort you all in this time of sorrow.
The Lord called him home on his birthday?
He is now enjoying at the Table of the Lord.
May his soul rest in peace.
Celsa and family

Dear Ben and Betty
This news has come as a shock to us.  In Goa I came to hear this afternoon.  A few weeks ago we had heard that Alaric was "under the weather" thought nothing of it, as we assumed he would recover not knowing that it would come to this.
Accept our sympathies - may Alaric's soul rest in eternal peace.
Rodie and Yvonne

Dear  Benny,
Just a few words of condolence.   However much we are told that nothing or no one lasts forever and that everything comes to an end,   the fact is that the reality hurts.
 You have been in my thoughts whereas your thoughts may probably have gone back and forth on that part of your history you shared with Alaric and that would have been the best part of your youth....  the fun and carefree part of your life. That is a good place for your mind to be in, while Alaric is also in a good place to be in too, namely, in his eternal rest with his Creator .
With sincere sympathies and love
Betty  S.

Dear Benny:
It is with great regret that we have learned the sudden death of your dear uncle Alaric in his homeland of Goa. He is now in a better place up there, and we will keep him in our fervent prayers. Please accept our sincere condolences.
God bless  -  Agnel and Tina De Silva

Dear Mama, and all members
Hope all is well at your end I heard from Jack that Alaric passed away in Goa yesterday and his funeral will take place tomorrow.  Sad today is his birthday. May his soul rest in peace amen. Tony

Dear Betty, Benito and Jerome.
It is sad news indeed to hear of the passing away of our friend and your uncle Alaric. My family in Arusha joins me in offering you our heartfelt condolences we pray that his soul may find eternal peace. He made me a couple of CDs which when replayed will bring back memories. Kindly convey our sentiments to the rest of the family.
We leave for Zanzibar on Monday the 11th.
Best regards
Pervin and Merwyn Nunes

Hi Ben I hope by now you have got over the sad news of Alaric he was a man by himself very stubborn he is now at peace.
I came across this amongst my SJCS archives I do not know if you still have it.
Never mind if you have it is still active.

Hi Ben
Only heard last night about Alaric. How sad as although I am no longer in the family I still attached myself to him. Please let me know what was wrong with him. J told me last year that he was in hospital.
Take courage and lets pray for him. May his soul RIP.
Love to all.

Dear Benny Betty & Family
Please accept our condolences.
We are deeply sorry to hear about the death of your Uncle Alaric.
We share comfort in knowing is no longer suffering.
Yours in sympathy
Rommel & Susan

Dear All
We are very sorry to hear by the sad news of our dear friend Alaric who passed away.
We last met him in Goa and he invited us for a very nice dinner party
at his residence. He was lovely person and will miss him.
Our deepest sympathy to Benny & Betty and all the rest of the family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Yours in sorrow
Zehra and Zarina Jafferji

Dear Benito and Betty
I am extremely sorry to hear that Alaric passed away. Some time back Jerome did mention that he was not well but then he was O.K.
My heartfelt condolences to you and the family. I met him at the 2008 Reunion and no doubt was very pleased to see him.  This news is very sad.
Kind regards

Hi Benito and Betty,
Accept my sincere condolences on Alaric's passing away.
I remember him as a nice quiet and humble person.
I pray that His Soul May Rest in Eternal Peace.
Assuring you of my prayers for Comfort and Consolation through God's Mercy and Compassion.
Take care,

Dear Benny and Jerome
I attended the mass and funeral of Alaric held at Calangute Church.
Astrid and Jack and Lea and others were present too. I think Victor made all the arrangements and all went well. I know it’s a hard time for you at this moment but know we all share in your grief
Take care


Dear All
We are very sorry to hear the sad news of our dear friend Alaric
who passed away.
We last met him in Goa and he invited us for a very nice dinner party
at his residence. He was lovely person and will miss him.
Our deepest sympathy to Benny, Betty and all the rest of the family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Yours in sorrow
Zehra and Zarina Jafferji

Our condolences and deepest sympathy to his family. Fond memories of Al in Goa
and last year in Z'bar. Today is his birthday.

May his soul rest in peace.
yours in sorrow
Florence & Linda

Dear Benito and Betty
So very sad to hear about Alaric's passing away. Please accept our heartfelt
condolences. I met him in Zanzibar in 2007.
May His Soul rest in peace.
Zarin Avari

Benito and Betty:
On behalf of the Gonsalves Family, please accept our heartfelt condolences on
the passing of your uncle, Alaric. May he rest in peace. Please convey our
sympathies to the rest of his family. JO

May his soul rest in peace and may god grant him paradise to all his
relatives I offer you my condolences and may God grant you patience and peace.
Regards Bargash.

Very sad news to hear of Alaric. I met him in Goa at our reunion and he
said that he spends a lot of time in Zanzibar after retiring from working in UK
I met him several times when he was in the UK.

May his soul rest in Peace.


Hi Benito & Betty,
Accept our heartfelt condolences to all your family on the passing away of Alaric, may his soul rest in peace.
Mabel (ex Menezes)

Subject: Alaric
Dear Benito

I was so sorry to hear that Alaric passed away. He was a picture o health when I had this photo taken in 2007 when I was last in Zanzibar. It was at Mervyn's house in the island.

Please accept my condolences and convey to any relatives.

Warm Regards



Subject: Thank You Malaika.

My dearest Malaika Astrid, what else can I call you for your wonderful works of mercy in coming to Alaric's aid in his time of need?

Asante sana ndugu Malaika Mungu ata kubarika wewe sana.

Thank you Astrid once again. I hear you were a real angel of mercy to Alaric.
I was in Halifax yesterday getting a tooth implant ... it was a long day. Before leaving the house I went to the computer to send Alaric a Birthday Greeting when I saw Oliver's message that was forwarded to me by Jerome. So I sent a quick reply as I had to leave by 7.00am.
Please send me whatever details you can of my dear uncle who is now in heaven. May God grant him eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon him. Alaric is now with our parents, grandparents and his siblings.
I am so sorry to have lost the last link of our mother's family, in the loss of Alaric. God Bless him.
I have been frightfully busy these past little while with by Book which I self-published just before Christmas. celebration of the 40th Anniversary of my St. Ninian's Children's Choir of which I am the founder and Director. As a result of my busyness, nobody received any Christmas mailing this past December, except for my Book notice. I hope I did not offend all my friends. I plan to make up for it with a Valentine please bear with me.
My book has been well received and is selling well far and near. I only have 18 Books left to sell. It's been a wonderful and exciting learning experience and journey for me. When you are back in England go and see my Book at Ben's...OK???
Have a great time in Goa and remember me to Lea, Wynoma, Oliver and others I know.
Take care and God Bless.
Love from Mike and me,

Hi Yvette
Thank you for your warm email.
My apologies for my silence. Too many email’s to respond to.
 Yes it is heartbreaking that Alaric is no more. He was very warming to us in 2007 Zbar and Goa 2008, in fact I had dinner 3 times at his place during the SJC reunion. Last year I called and invited him but he was unable to join us few Zbaries as it was short notice. I was disappointed hence this time soon after arriving I called him a few times but could not get thru.  I then called Oliver to check the number and he confirmed the same cell number.  I persevered and finally Alaric answered but could not talk apart from saying he was in hospital. I was disappointed as the line cut. Fortunately Oliver was able to get me the hospital name and I got there.

I treaded very carefully. I asked him if it was Ok for me to visit, I then gently asked if I could inform Ben.  He agreed. I asked if there was anything I could do to help.  I then suggested may be he go into care for just a month. He assured me he was Ok and didn’t need to. I however spoke to the nuns who were known to me and my parents and they agreed to have him.
Before I left him after the first visit I plucked courage to ask him if we could say a small prayer together. He agreed, he struggled to make the sign of the cross but he did. He was just so weak as I was praying he fell asleep and woke up again. I asked if I could revisit and he responded you are always welcome.
This made me feel so fulfilled.  I stroke his hand and left him.
When I visited him the second time I asked him if he knew who I was and he replied Astrid.  I told him he made my day he smiled.
The maid was feeding him a drink, the short while I was there she displayed care and concern, requesting me try to get him into care home, as the hospital wanted to discharge him and asked me to call Victor. I didn’t want to interfere as I was not known to anyone.
When I rushed early on Tuesday to hospital the nurse told me he died. My heart sank.
At the funeral I had time to speak to victor. From his talk I knew he was a man of high integrity. He spoke for a while and said he had spoken to the same nuns a while ago, but Dasu did not want Alaric to go into care.
At the funeral the maid hugged me, as soon as the coffin was open she said to me she couldn’t bring herself to wait. I suggested she sit with me, but she insisted that she wanted to leave as it was upsetting. 
 I took several photos of the funeral so that they tell the story. Whilst the coffin was lowered into the ground 'Lord I am coming home' was played. it got very emotional. There was a bouquet from you all overseas and another from Victors family and Dasu.  Total there were about 28 attendees.  I understand that Alaric had told Victor if he died not to inform anyone. But I had called Victor, introduced myself and asked him to give me funeral details which he did so we all could attend.
I noticed a man resembling Pantu and walked up to him and asked who he was. He said he was Victors dad. In fact Lea said she looked at another man from the side in church and felt confident he was Bens cousin-  i.e.  Victor.
When they told me the relationship to Alaric I feel I had visited them in late 70's.  Victor’s dad invited me to visit them, but really there is no time as I have yet to meet some helpful friends here.
Later yesterday at dinner I noticed Edwin Coutinho and Marina on a table near us. They were so disappointed that they were not informed as they lived so near the Calangute Church. Oliver reminded me that the last time we were all together was at the Mass you arranged for SJCS.

Oliver, Tony Rod (Jack) Herbert & Jenifer Lea and myself attended including the daughter of Red Lion pub house in Zanzibar. She did not remember me as she said she left as a child. She is Felix's (Zbar) cousin.
As soon as I return will send you the photos as they are very slow to load out here in Arpora or may go to Leas to load them.
I am undecided when I will depart but may extend to 19th. Feb. We are really enjoying Goa. Carnival starts today.
With much love and once again thank you for the warm email. Hope the tooth fairy provided  you a good implant at minimum cost!
Excuse my rushed email.

Hi Benny,
I am very sorry to hear about your uncle. Yes of course, my original mail was just to get some ideas going but there’s certainly no rush – especially in this busy time for you.
Thank you.
Neil Clegg


Our heartfelt condolences dear B and B Jerome Annabelle and the D’souza (Alaric’s) family please accept our condolences I have been away in Nairobi at my sisters’ May God rest his soul love Chandra

P.S.  Bhagi and Vijoo are coming to the uk soon hopefully we can make inshallah contact

Love Chandra and Jimmy